PV Yield Report

An elementary component for the success of a PV project is a realistic yield forecast.

Through a scientific approach and constant validation, we ensure that our expert opinions are based on a solid foundation. No matter whether the plant is located in Germany or in an exotic country. We create our reports on the basis of many years of experience with expert software, which we optimise with our own calculation tools, e.g. for inverter overload losses.

Grid connections in photovoltaics are becoming more complex, as are the loss calculations. We are grid planners; you can expect a precise calculation from us.

We regularly act as due diligence experts in the field of photovoltaics – throughout Europe. Therefore, we know very well the requirements for the form, content design and transparency of a yield report, so that it can go through a due diligence smoothly.

Simon Wanninger, Bereichsleiter Beratung Photovoltaik


Simon Wanninger
Head of Consulting PV
+49 89 383932-138

Due Diligence Performance Optimization and Asset Audit Planning  Revamping 
Thermography  Grid Connection Seminars


Phone: 089 383932147